
Under the motto "Everyone is a part of the whole", the mosaic picture "Pezzetino" was created as part of the 2011 partnership festival. Under the guidance of Karin Möller from the Tree-House-Studio Kerzell and the cooperation of Johannes Klüber and his wife Nicol, the European flag was chosen as the motif. At the beginning of the event, the 77 Italian friends and all the guests each received a "pezzetino" (little piece) to place in the large picture. The completion was symbolically done by the two mayors Mrs Rosaria Tassinari (Rocca San Casciano) and Mr Marcus Schafft (Hofbieber).


The joint action is a strong sign of the living partnership of Hofbieber with the Unione Montana Acquacheta in a united Europe.


The mosaic picture Pezzetino frames the Piazza Unione Montana Acquacheta in the EDEKA market in Hofbieber, Morleser Straße 11.